When I took over the London Noob Friendly Rust server in October last year, it was a snap decision to keep it alive, without a plan to do anything to it. Since then, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the server, what I want it to be like and what makes it different to the thousands of other Rust Community Servers and why should people play our server over any other and it boils down to one simple goal;
I want to provide a place that lets you play vanilla rust with a lot less of the toxicity normally associated with the game.
With the goal in place I’ve done a lot of work developing the London Noob Rust Server. I’ve rewrote the rules, refined them and rewrote them again. I’ve selected and wrote Rust Server Plugins to help enforce the the rules and to promote the servers goals to it’s players. I refined the servers discord, which although not as busy as it once was, is now a much nicer place to chat with other players and I got tough on existing players, a number of which gave me no choice but to ban them from the server.
I’ve also wrote from scratch a pretty fancy leaderboard system, even if I do say so myself, which can be found on this website, which unlike most rust leaderboards, doesn’t focus solely on PVP statistics allowing players to find and compare the stats that interests them.
With the London Noob Friendly Leader boards being hosted on the FutureProject Website and the server being a regular topic in my Live Streams, and a number of players stumbling into my streaming Discord server, I guess the next announcement was inevitable even of not part of the initial plan.
The London Noob Friendly Rust Server Will Be Renamed FutureProject MAX TRIO

From the forced wipe on 3rd February we’re going to be grabbing the newly introduced spraycan and reskinning the London Noob Server as FutureProject MAX TRIO, a change that should make it much easier for players on the server find the rules and leader boards and also for potential players who are looking for the server because I’ve spoken about it on my Twitch Stream or they’ve stumbled upon this website.
The process has already begun, the FutureProject Discord and the London Noob Friendly Discord servers have been merged together as many members were in both and the content of both were very similar. and the server header images already show the FutureProject Max Trio Branding. This website’s Our Rust Servers section has also undergone a lot of changes to reflect the upcoming changes.
This name change will also pave the way to my next exciting announcement.
I’m Launching a SOLO Only Server

I can’t say it’s been a well guarded secret as it’s been live and in testing and plastered all over the website and discord for a few weeks but from the forced wipe on 3rd February our FutureProject SOLO server will officially launch.
As a solo player who’s pretty rubbish at Rust I’ve always had trouble winning a fair 1on1 fight, so encountering duos, trios or more was never going to go well and trying to find a way to make our MAX TRIO server fairer for solo players has always been a struggle. With the Introduction of the SOLO server it should give solo players a place to play against other players without fighting against the clear advantage teaming up gives.